When you're driving past a cyclist, it's safer to 'stay wider of the rider' so that you don't harm them. It's the law actually and you're required to leave at least a metre in a 60km/h zone and one and a half metres if it's over 60km/h.
But what about riders staying wider of the rider? Many times I've been passed too closely at speed by other riders, with no warning bell or calling out. I'm a recreational rider, not a professional or anywhere near as proficient as the riders who pass me at speed without warning.
Riders need to be aware that they're riding past other people who are not as skilled or as confident as them; and their actions could cause an accident with life altering consequences. People may also be riding with a disability, physical or mental; and need extra space from other riders.
I ride regularly with my husband who has Parkinson's disease which has caused balance issues for him and some falls. He wants to keep riding, but the fear of falling in traffic or being passed too closely by other riders has got him spooked.
We need riders to stay wider of the rider too; and to be aware of others who are less able than themselves. We need separated cycle lanes and more connected cycling and walking infrastructure.
Bicycle Queensland - A little space and grace: - https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7106864912269791233/